Tony K : Fishing Forum Posts

I've heard mixed responses on this one and I'm sure everyone has their opinion, but I have a hard time sometimes deciding if I should set the hook immediately or wait when fishing finesse because of conflicting views on this topic. While some info out there suggest waiting a second or two before reeling down to ensure that the bass has eaten your bait, another school of thought centers around the notion that the bass has already spit your bait multiple times during that 1-2 second window. At times, I actually find myself pulling the bait out of the fishes mouth when reeling down immediately, and on the flip side it seems like I'm not getting follow up strikes, or that I'm missing fish when not setting the hook immediately. Not sure which is best at this point, or if there's neutral resolution to my problem. Any thoughts or feedback is greatly appreciated.

March 25, 2021 05:42:14 PM

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