registered guest : Fishing Forum Posts

registered guest - freshman
Topic: Line Twist

Here is what you do. Take off the bait when you’re at home. Next go to a large grass park if you don’t have a large yard, the. Let out 20-30 feet of line and drag that line in the grass. Keep letting out line as you walk, and drag the line through the grass. Soon the grass will create enough friction to pull the line from the open bail. Walk the full length of the yard or park, then when you run out of grass, make a U and talk back the same path, but 2-3 feet stepped over. Keep walking out the line until all of the line is off the spool. As you are dragging the line, it’s in twisting. Just keep walking until all the twist is gone, then reel it in with a little tension by pinching with a little piece of cloth or leather. It’s really easy, and I always do that when I put new line in a reel, and or after a few trips.

April 1, 2024 03:32:16 PM
registered guest - freshman
Topic: Playlists?

How does one make a playlist that you can autoPlay or shuffle? I want to listen to these pros entire offerings back to back to back like a playlist without having to go one by one. How can I do this?

April 2, 2024 02:42:28 AM
registered guest - freshman
Topic: Playlists?

I would really like to listen to all of the videos from Greg Hackeny for example, back to back to back. I’d like them to play automatically like playlists on YouTube. I know it’s an unusual request, but it should be pretty easy to set up. Not sure what servers you use for hosting, like Vimeo they have auto play feature based on a group of videos

April 9, 2024 12:01:23 PM

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