Creating a reaction strike Video

Rori - junior

Peter and Mike

I am suggesting/requesting you create a video possibly with multiple pros talking about their favorite bait to create rection strikes and how to use them in both clear and stained water.

I know there are videos I've seen with some reaction stike content (Mike shows one popping a jig). I would like to learn more with other baits.

I fished Lake Fork last weekend. There were so many bait fish swimming the fish were well fed and it was tough to ge a bite. A friend of mine fished the same waters and brought in several fish including an 8.41 pounder. He told me he was using multiple reaction techniques. I don't see a reation bite specific topic listed in your video list.

Thanks in advance.


P.S. Your B.U. has significantly improved my fishing -- I started Bass fishing 4 years ago when I retired.

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