Dyed pond

Sujico - sophomore

Hey guys,

I’m out here in Arizona and I don’t own a boat yet so I’m restricted to bank fishing mostly urban ponds. A lot of the places I fish are treated with a very blue dye and I was wondering if that will change my bait color selection.

Thanks ,

January 6, 2019 10:58:02 PM
The Dean - professor

Interesting questions. I've never fished around blue dye before, but here is how I would attack it. First I would try to match the hatch. Try to figure out if the bass are feeding on shad, bluegill, crawfish etc. Once you get a look the bait, try to use lures that resemble the colors found on the bait. If your lures look like the bait the fish are feeding on, the blue hue of the water won't matter as much. Why is it blue? Is that weed control chemicals?

January 9, 2019 10:04:04 AM
Sujico - sophomore

Thanks Pete,

The forage is bluegill, shad, craws and right now they stock trout. They dye some of the small ponds to control algae.

January 10, 2019 08:50:18 AM

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