Heavy Heavy Rain
I live on Smith Lake Alabama the lake was 48;degrees 2 weeks ago the heavy rain has raised the lake 14 feet in the last 2 weeks the water temp is in the high 59 . My question is could this cause the spotted bass to start spawning ? The lake is not real bad muddy on Simpson creek . I am really enjoying your classes being able to ask a question is way cool !
Smith lake as a special place. 14 feet is a huge rise. I have found that the most important force regarding the spawn is the length of day. In order to secure a good spawn the bass will wait until the days are longer and the weather is stable. I have also found that rising or falling water will hold up the spawn. Bass instinctual know to wait until conditions stabilize before they start to spawn. That doesn't mean that you wont find an occasional bass produce a bed. It just means that the majority of bass in a lake will wait until conditions are favorable.
Thanks for the kind words about Bass U. Maybe we will see you at the Gadsden class in a couple of weeks. thebassuniversity.com.
We are heading to Alabama in a couple weeks.
I am really looking forward to it!! I really love downtown Gadsden! Hope we have some nice weather!! Glad to have you a part of our family!
Hey Doug Carnes here thank you for answering my question on water rising now it did not rise that much over night it it took about 9 days it is great to have someone that can answer some questions !