Embracing my weaknesses to become better.
One of the things I want to concentrate on next year is becoming a better bass angler. I am sure we all do! One way I know of is to embrace my weaknesses. for example, if I am more of a finesse fisherman and less of a power fisherman. To help grow my strength and confidence in these techniques, I am going to leave my finesse stuff at the house and only take power stuff. What are some of the ways you work to get better? Do you have a matrix or some type of documentation/scorecard so that you can actually see that you are improving? Basically, I am looking for some way to see my improvement and not just feel that I am getting better/ or worse. We all know sometimes you have to get worse before you get better!
Great question. I hope you were able to sit in on our virtual classes these past two days. If not, no big deal. All the seminars will be released shortly. I gave a seminar on how to become a better angler and a key topic was addressing your weakness. Below are some of the highlights.
Strengths and weakness
- Strengths – Build on these every day. Always look for this bite.
- Weakness’ – make peace with things that give you trouble or hurt your confidence. A great way to attack your weakness is to lock that rod in your hand for a day.
- Another tool I use to work on a weakness is to bring out that technique when you locate a school of fish. This will allow you to catch some bass on your weakness technique. You can get comfortable with what strikes feel like, how to pressure and land the fish.
- Goal should be to have equal confidence in each rod/tool you pick up.
Take it to the Bank!
Find a place to fish that is convenient and has a few bass in it. A place you
can hit on your way to or from work or school. Ideally, a place that you can cover
In a short period of time. I love for my training customers to use farm ponds.
Think of this like practicing your jump shot. Learn to detect strikes, get your baits
through cover, practice hooks sets, and keeping pressure during the fight.
Taking notes is key and below is an example of how I take notes for my On Water Training customers.
Chesapeake Bay OWT notes 5-21-21
Weather - 70-85 degrees mostly sunny. East winds AM-calm, PM 10-15mph
Water - 60-70 degrees, clear to stained
Depth Fish Caught - 1-3 feet
Most Productive Lure - Senko(Green Weenie)5”, Biffle Bug
Pattern – Blind fishing for spawning Largemouth and Smallmouth
Found LM spawning in marinas and smallmouth on gravel banks. Worked on blind fishing for bedding fish in marinas, rocky banks and grass flats. Focused on how to keep the bait low and slow to keep the bait near the bottom/beds. Setting the hook to the strong side across the body.
Things to work on;
Casting - work toward minimizing spool and magnet controls. When pitching flipping reduce controls to near zero.
Develop a confidence box/high percentage tools.