G. Loomis GLX Spinning Rod 7'1" Medium 852S JWR

BrettBoz28 - freshman

Is the 852s GLX worth the money? I fish once to twice a week on the Kayak or on my boat. I fish whacky worm, ned rig, and tiny child rig a ton. Everything I watch and read says Glommis 852 GLX or NRX is a must-have. But
would and Xpride or a Cashion be a better value for me who fishes 4-8 times a month.

September 6, 2020 11:04:19 PM
mitchthebozz - doctor

I have the 852s Glx, I like it a lot but it is stiffer IMO than the imx or nrx in the same rod. The nrx 852 is truly incredible shaky head rod and from fishing my buddies I want to get rid of my glx and go to the nrx.

December 16, 2020 12:48:31 AM

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