Wacky rigged senko

David Burke - doctor

Hey Pete
Loved the co-angler bass u live the other night. You convinced me to try my hand at the bfl co-angler for the northeast next year! If you have any more co-angler footage you could put out I would love to see it.
Have you tried a wacky rigged stick worm with a equal weight on both ends. I’m a carpenter and use a small 1” aluminum nail in both ends. The worm stays level and undulates like normal for about 10” or so then spirals down like it has a weight in one end. I call it the New Hampshire rig pronounced “Nah Hampsher”

November 18, 2019 06:39:52 PM
The Dean - professor

Thanks Dave. We have some big plans for the co-angler show. People really liked the topic.

As far as the "Nah Hampsher" rig goes, lol. I have never tried it. However, John Cox loves that rig. We filmed him using it. Look for that to be released within the next few weeks. Great rig. I can't wait to try it.

November 18, 2019 07:45:03 PM

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