Lake Chickamauga

Jeff Harrison - senior

I am fishing a tournament at Lake Chickamauga this weekend and it will be my first time there, do you have any advice?

June 10, 2019 03:46:45 PM
The Dean - professor

Hi Jeff, The month of June is known as the month to fish the offshore shell beds on the Tennessee River. The lower and central end of the lake are know for the best ledge fishing. Most mapping will show the best off shore stuff to fish. Type "ledge" in the search bar and a lot of great seminars on this topic are available to you. Most recently Gerald Swindle attacks Guntersville ledges in the summer. Very similar to the Chick.

As a secondary pattern, there are millfoil grass beds around the lake. They grow close to the river channel. I found some just up river from the Blue Water resort when I competed in the recent Bassmaster Open there. I love fishing grass and I caught almost all the fish that I weighed in from the mollfoil grass. They love to bite a jig and a swimbait on this lake. I hope this help you get a good start and good luck!!

June 10, 2019 08:20:38 PM
Jeff Harrison - senior

Thank you very much, I think my fishing style will go well with those patterns. I love offshore, ledges and grass.
Y’all have done an awesome job with the Bassu platform, it offers growth at all levels of fishing, and is a game changer.
Keep up the great work!

June 12, 2019 10:35:32 AM
The Dean - professor

Thanks Jeff! Really appreciate the kind words. A lot more to come.

June 13, 2019 02:45:05 PM

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