Setting up my Lowrance Hook2 5

EazyE - freshman

I'm wanting to set up my Hook2 5 it has the cart viewer, sonar, and downscan, but it doesn't have side image. What frequency would I run on sonar and down scan? I think the small number or the bigger number? I'm wanting to start vertical jigging. Should I set my speed on 2x? I fish from a kayak, don't have a boat yet can't afford on and no place to put one. When I look at my unit I see structure but I can not tell if its a brush pile or grass. any advice would be helpful. I hope to upgrade to another lowrance unit soon! Gonna get one with side scan.

June 2, 2019 09:25:48 PM
The Dean - professor

I don't use Lowrance, but a lot of our pros do. What Jammie Hartman discuss how he uses his Lowrance to fish vertically. Copy this link. Search Lowrance in our search bar for more details.

June 6, 2019 03:04:34 PM

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