Cold water river fishing
I fish a small river near my house all the time. In the spring, summer and fall it’s lights out. Tons of fish and allot of good ones. The problem I have is once the water gets below 45 degrees I can’t buy a bite until it gets back above 45. The river is mostly a muck bottom with some stretches of rock. Average depth is about 6’ and it maxes out in one spot around 12. I have no idea where these fish go when the water gets cold. I’ve thrown everything that is supposed to work in cold water and nothing. I know winter fishing is always a grind but I never even get so much as a bite. Any advice on where to look and what to throw?
I want to fish this river BassSniper1. My best tools for water temps below 45 degrees are 1-Silver Buddy, 2-Alabama Rig, 3-hair jigs. If you have tried all of these techniques and have had no success, I would assume that they have moved. In most river systems, the bass move to areas where there is low current. They will also follow the bait wherever it goes in the winter. Find the bait and you will find the bass. Good luck and keep us posted.