
justink25 - graduate

What should I look for on the navonics maps for places that should hold bass? Trying to understand it but I am extremely confused on it. Thank you in advance!!!!

April 8, 2019 01:36:19 PM
Jerkbait J - freshman

The first thing is you must be able to accurately read a topo map to truly understand what you are looking at. Then according to what the lake tells you (temp./ clarity/ lake depth.) You can look at what bass do during those scenarios. You should look for humps, shoals, bluffs anything that may make ambush points for them to feed. This time of year depending on area should be prespawn/ spawn. So rarely look over 10 to 15 ft deep. Secondary points leading to flats are good hangouts for pre and post spawn.

April 8, 2019 11:35:44 PM
The Dean - professor

Great question and great feedback Jerkbait J. Seasonal patterns dictate bass movement and position. During the warming spring/spawn season, look for topo lines that are wide apart on shorelines that are protected from the north wind. This will be great places start looking for spawning bass in the spring. The topographic lines that are closer together offer highways for bass to use as they travel back and forth to the spawning flats in the pre spawn and away from them as they move to feeding areas in the post spawn.

April 9, 2019 07:40:24 AM

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